Tärendö is a village located in northern Sweden in the area of Norrbotten. The village is situated between the mountains and the coast, in a lowland area with rivers, streams, and lakes parting forests and wetlands.
Tärendö has 441 (2014) inhabitants and spreads over 6km from south to north and is 3km wide. There are 11 parts of the village, each with its own name; Heinonen, Talinen, Iso-Kylä, Kielisennenä, Lehtonmäki, Laittamaa, Niva, Kallio, Koivuniemi and Niemenrova.
The surrounding is full of treasures of untouched forest and rivers. Red lingonberries cover the forest floors together with blueberries and a wide selection of mushrooms. Animals such as reindeer, moose, bears and foxes run freely and can be spotted if lucky. The waters are home to many varieties of fish such as salmon, pike and bass.
The rich nature is perfect for adventure, all year around. Here you can drive snow mobile, go cross-country skiing, dogsledding, canoeing, fishing, and hiking. The possibilities are endless.
The world’s second largest bifurcation is located in Tärendö. A bifurcation can be described as a river taking water from one river and bringing it to another. The “normal” way would be a river taking water from a lake or wetland; this is a geological phenomenon rarely occurs. The largest one in the world is located in South America.
Text: Louise Grape